Wildes Skandinavien (ARD und NETFLIX)
Mit überwältigenden Bildern präsentiert die sechsteilige Dokumentationsreihe „Wildes Skandinavien“ die raue, ungezähmte Natur des hohen Nordens. Schroffe Küsten und Fjorde, Gletscher, Vulkane und Urwälder sind bis heute Lebensraum seltener Pflanzen und Tiere. Von den Braunbären Finnlands zu Schwedens Elchen, von Islands Polarfüchsen zu Norwegens Moschusochsen, von Grönlands Eisbären zu den Rothirschen in Dänemark – jede Folge entführt den Zuschauer in die Wildnis Nordeuropas.
WILDES SKANDINAVIEN – FINNLAND (2011) von Oliver Goetzel
erreichte 39 Finalteilnahmen bei internationalen Filmfestivals und erhielt 40 Preise, Nominierungen oder lobende Erwähnungen:
1. IWFF Missoula, International Wildlife Film Festival, May 2011, U.S.A.
(1. Sapphire Award for 2nd Best of Festival, 2. Best Cinematography, 3. Best TV Program Budget 250k – 500k US $, 4. Best Ecosystem, 5. Merit Award for Sound)
2. Animal Behavior Society Film Festival, July 2011, U.S.A.
(6. Best of Festival)
3. NaturVision, International Nature and Wildlife Film Festival Freyung, July 2011, Germany
(7. Best German Film, 8. Nomination for Grand Prix, 9. Nomination for Best Camera)
4. Matsalu International Nature Film Festival, September 2011, Estonia
(10. Grand Prix, 11. Nomination for 1st Price Category „Nature“)
5. Darsser Naturfilmfestival, October 2011, Germany
(12. Nomination for German Nature Film Prize)
6. Sondrio Festival, International Documentary Film Festival on Parks, October 2011, Italy
(13. Student Jury Award, 14. Nomination for 1st Prize – Town of Sondrio, 15. Nomination for „Stelvio National Park“ Award, 16. Nomination for „Lombardy Region“ Award)
7. Telenatura, October 2011, Spain
(17. Best Photography)
8. International TV Festival Bar, October 2011, Montenegro
(18. Best Visual Identity [Photography, Editing] Category „Documentary Programme on Ecology and Tourism“)
9. Ekofilm, October 2011, Czech Republic
(19. Best Photography)
10. Festival Nature Namur, October 2011, Belgium
(20. 3rd Place Audience Award – Prix du Public)
11. SunChild Environmental Film Festival, October 2011, Armenia
(21. Special Mention for Technical Skills)
12. F.I.F.A., Albert, March 2012, France
(22. Grand Prix)
13. Television & Film Awards / New York Festivals, April 2012, U.S.A.
(24. Gold World Medal for series „WILD SCANDINAVIA“)
14. WorldMediaFestival, May 2012, Germany
(24. Intermedia Globe Special Award – Magic Eye – for Cinematography, 25. Intermedia Globe Gold Award)
15. International TV Ecological Festival „To Save and Preserve“, June 2012, Russia
(26. Special Prize of the Festival: For shootings of rare species of animals in a native habitat)
16. Trofeo Stambecco D’oro – Gran Paradiso International Nature Film Festival, August 2012, Italy
(27. LIPU – Mario Pastore Prize)
17. Ya’an International Animal & Nature Film Festival, August 2012, China
(28. Nomination for Best Photography)
18. Wildscreen Festival, October 2012, England
(29. Nomination for Cinematography Award, 30. Nomination for Series Award for series „WILD SCANDINAVIA“, represented by episodes „Finland“ and „Norway“)
19. Montana CINE, October 2012, U.S.A.
(31. Honorable Mention for Cinematography)
20. Fifale Rabat, Festival International du Film Animalier et de l’Environnement, May 2013, Morocco
(32. Coup de Coeur du Jury)
21. Waga Brothers Festival of Nature Films, June 2013, Poland
(33. Main Award)
22. WFO, International Wlodzimierz Puchalski Nature Film Festival, June 2013, Poland
(34. Grand Prix)
23. Wild Talk Africa, July 2013, South Africa
(35. Nomination for Cinematography Award, 36. Nomination for Best Use Of Music Award)
24. Cinextur – International Nature Tourism Film Festival, December 2013, Spain
(37. Best Film > 30min)
25. CMS Vatavaran, February 2014, India
(38. Best Series [Based on Environment and Wildlife])
26. T-Film Ostrava, May 2014, Czech Republic
(39. Honorable Mention of the Jury)
27. Kolkata Shorts International Film Festival, August 2014, India
(40. Best Cinematography [Documentary])